1.) Name, title, what you will be doing at Spatineo?  

My name is Jyri Hämäläinen and I have been working as a Software Specialist at Spatineo since November 2021. I am mostly doing consulting for customer projects.

2.) What do you do at Spatineo in practice? Tell us what kind of cases, projects and work you will be doing in the future!

My main expertise is in Python, Linux, Django and data analysis. I have just gotten settled into the company and started working on some customer projects on implementing online services to publish or utilize their data.

I joined the company in order to have a chance to combine skills from my background in natural sciences and data science and experience in maintaining systems built on Django and Docker in the same job. I am also enjoying the opportunity to expand my understanding of cloud services by learning from the wonderful coworkers here.

3.) What is the best thing about your work?

I greatly appreciate how our customers’ projects tend to serve clear and meaningful needs that are easy to get motivated for.

4.) What technologies (geospatial or not) fascinate you the most? What technologies should be utilized more in the future?

I respect well defined and well documented frameworks and standards that make it possible to build software that can be maintained and expanded in the long term.

I am also fascinated by the rigorous logic of functional programming. It has been a long time since I have done any programming with a functional language, but perhaps I will have an opportunity to relearn it some day.