
Carl Reed, former CTO and Executive Director Standards Program of Open Geospatial Consortium, has joined Spatineo as a board member on 27th of April 2017. Dr. Reed’s extensive knowledge and connections in the geospatial industry will help Spatineo in reaching its maximum potential in the market of high quality geospatial data sharing.

Spatineo searched for an experienced and forward-looking member for the board. Dr. Reed was the obvious choice. His geospatial technology background and vision will help Spatineo to solve customers’ future challenges in providing quality spatial web services,

Spatineo’s Managing Director Sampo Savolainen is excited to have Carl Reed joining as a board member. “As the former CTO of the Open Geospatial Consortium, Carl has followed the trends of the industry and technology for a long time. He has gained a unique position and recognition in the geospatial community. With his help, we can keep exceeding the expectations of our growing customer base.”

Dr. Reed states, “As organizations and individuals increasingly rely on digital maps and related location based content in their daily decision processes, quality of service provision – the availability of a web service and data when you need them – is critical. The Spatineo technology provides the ability to monitor and subsequently improve quality of service thereby enhancing the customer/user experience while at the same time maximizing the value of an organizations spatial data holdings.”

About Carl Reed:  He received his PhD in Geography, specializing into GIS technology and system architecture in 1980 from State University of New York. Since then he has developed and led substantial number of geospatial projects, such as GenaMap MOSS. He has pioneered geospatial standardization since 1994, as he saw that to let geospatial community grow standards were needed. Dr. Reed joined OGC as CTO in 2001 and has since contributed to multiple geospatial projects and made geospatial information more useable and discoverable. In 2014, he received Geospatial World’s Lifetime Achievement award for his exceptional work in the industry.