Hosting an excellent conference is a difficult task, but next week we expect nothing but spectacularity from the FIG Working Week 2017. What we hope to see and experience next week?


Only the best for the audience

FIG Working week gathers an amazing group of professionals to a single destination each year. This is not to be taken for granted, because professionals know their value and they don’t waste their time to nothing short of amazing. Organizations send their best scouts and presenters to these events each year. That is what Spatineo is also doing, our sales & marketing team is there for you guys during the whole week!

Conference can be judged upon its audience.

The feeling

When you walk into a conference of this level, you look for the “oh wow” effect. You want to be amazed. This is where presenters try to gain your attention. Everyone tries to be the company to give you the good vibes. Giving the effect can be little tricky, but standing out and being bravely different is the key.

Spatineo’s goal this year is to arouse conversation and raise awe in the visitors. We want you guys to engage and be part of the conference! We’ll provide the grounds for conversation and we challenge you to tell us about your spatial data challenges which we will solve with you.


The aftermath

Feedback, feedback and more feedback. Monitoring your results and comparing them with your goals is essential. Feedback gives you a chance you measure you success. What to do differently next and what was really good this time? Conference offers new knowledge, new insight and tools to develop your activities over time. Not making any progress is everyone’s worst enemy, because others will be going forwards.

We at Spatineo try to set goals that are possible with hard work and dedication. Setting the bar too low isn’t  good because after you have reached your low-goal you might stop trying your best. Our solutions help you to keep on your promises and assure a certain level of quality for the services you provide.