Ilkka Rinne ISO OGC O&M

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is the world’s largest developer of voluntary international standards and facilitates world trade by providing common standards between nations. Ilkka Rinne from Spatineo has been selected to lead a project for modernizing one of the ISO Standards: Observations and measurements (ISO 19156, O&M).

Standards based exchange of observed, measured or modeled data are key enablers for many critical online consumer and governmental services. Examples of these data sets include weather, air quality and other kinds of environmental observations and forecasts, traffic monitoring data, health monitoring, building and construction safety measurements, various remote sensing data, and industrial process monitoring. The current O&M standard proving a common data model for these dataset is from 2011 and requires revising to conform to modern web architecture requirements and best practice.

In close co-operation with the ISO Technical Committee 211 the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has also started working on the OGC standards for XML and JSON encoding of O&M data. Ilkka Rinne is also chairing OGC’s Observations and measurements Standards Working Group.

For both the ISO and the OGC standards, the first results are expected in 2020 and the final releases are scheduled for publishing by the end of 2021. Spatineo will be updating results from these projects, and you can expect Ilkka to be presenting some of these results in the future in several conferences and events.