We’re doing a lot in in this year’s INSPIRE conference in Aalborg, Denmark. Our R&D Director Sampo Savolainen is talking about “Performance Testing of INSPIRE and OGC Services” in “Quality and Testing” parallel session at 9:15 on Thursday in “Room: 5 Radiosalen” and our Service Director Jaana Mäkelä about “Open Data and INSPIRE Web Services Are Available – Are Users Ready to Utilize Them?” in parallel session “INSPIRE Benefits Usage and Users” at 14:30 also on Thursday in “Room: 3 Latinestuen”.

We’re proud to be a bronze sponsor for the conference and also have a Spatineo stand in the conference centre during the actual conference days from Wednesday to Friday. Come visit and learn more about how we can supercharge your SDI.

See the conference venues on a map

My biggest personal effort for the conference this year is a workshop on Tuesday morning. You’re most welcome to join if you’re coming to the INSPIRE Conference 2014 in Aalborg.

Practical Quality Assurance of Spatial Web Services

INSPIRE Conference 17th June 2014 at 9:00 – 13:00 (two sessions),

Aalborg University, Badstuestræde 9/auditorium 1

Hosted by CTO Ilkka Rinne & Managing Director Kristian Jaakkola from Spatineo Inc.

aalborg legoland By flicrk user Alan Lam https://www.flickr.com/photos/alanandanders/

aalborg legoland By flicrk user Alan Lam https://www.flickr.com/photos/alanandanders/

Preliminary workshop schedule:

Session 1: INSPIRE Quality of Service

Presentation: Overview of the INSPIRE QoS requirements for Network Services

Group discussions, topics:

  • INSPIRE QoS requirements: Difficult or easy to achieve? Useful or not?
  • How to make improving QoS worthwhile and simple for the data providers?
  • Application developer perspective: What QoS indicators would be most useful for the data users? How they should be advertised for INSPIRE services?
  • Planning for QoS: How to integrate QoS measuring and improvements to a daily / monthly / yearly development plans & practices?

Demo: Evaluating the Spatial Web Service availability and continuous performance with Spatineo Monitor

Session 2: Hands-on Spatineo QoS Tools

Hands-on training: Spatineo Monitor

  • Finding and monitoring new services
  • Checking availability, alerts & maintenance breaks
  • Usage analytics & reporting

Live capacity testing session using Spatineo Performance

Workshop wrap-up & discussion

Update: the workshop slides are now available in Slideshare.