CNIG Spatial Web Services Monitoring
National Centre of Geographic Information (CNIG) of Spain to start monitoring with Spatineo

CNIG Spain is the organization in Spain to coordinate at national level the offerings of open geospatial data and web services. They host tens of different services on their own, with hundreds of data layers which supply the public with up-to-date information varying from land use to seismic and volcanic data produced by IGN Spain. CNIG Spain is the INSPIRE National Contact Point and therefore, now is also taking the responsibility to closely monitor the performance of several geospatial services from other Spanish providers, and it will do that task using Spatineo Monitor!

IGN Spain was established all the way back in 1870, tasked with observation of land and space, and since then they have evolved into a comprehensive organization with the responsibility to produce and maintain official reference geographic data and thematic geodata in various different fields of science in Spain.

CNIG Spain is responsible for the publication and dissemination of geographic information produced by IGN Spain and in particular they are publishing the INSPIRE web services of IGN Spain data. CNIG’s spatial web services have been historically well taken care of, and CNIG Spain has decided to step up the game of their service quality by start using Spatineo Monitor. Maintaining the high quality CNIG has achieved is a challenging task, and we are glad Spatineo can assist this great spatial data infrastructure for now on!

CNIG Spain is also coordinating the Spanish NSDI and that is the reason why they are so interested in monitoring the quality of a selected sample of web services in Spain published by national, regional and local authorities.

Spain is one of those countries who have been rigorously developing their spatial web services on a nation-wide level following INSPIRE rules and guidelines, as IGN Spain and CNIG have helped grass root level organizations to make the best use of their own spatial data, providing services such as maps, carto and orthoimages, photo library, documentation, territorial delimitations, quality control, etc. The continuous work to make spatial web services even more accessible and available keep on going, and now CNIG Spain can rest assured knowing that their services and some key national and regional ones are in good hands, as CNIG has taken the duty to monitor them continuously with Spatineo Monitor!