JIIDE2018 Menorca

Fabio Bittencourt from Spatineo attended JIIDE conference (Jornadas Ibéricas de las Infraestructuras de los Datos Espaciales) for the third time – the first time was in Barcelona 2016, and apparently the event was top notch this year! This is what he had to sau about JIIDE2018!

“The Iberian Journeys for SDIs – JIIDE 2018 main topic this year was “Improving the interchange of spatial data to protect the biosphere” and there was indeed a technical session and round-table discussion exclusively devoted to environmental SDI applications.

Obviously, quite much was also discussed about the regional and local SDIs as well as the distinct local scenarios and realities facing INSPIRE implementation.There were also sessions about new technologies and innovations, and even one session with presentations for discussing the new frontiers of SDIs, like the one made by Antonio Rodriguez, from CNIG named “All you need is open data”.

Coming from the private sector, there were also some very relevant presentations like those made by Tracasa (regarding the news on the SDI Viewer in Navarra) and Geograma with 3 presentations, including one about the implementation of INSPIRE model for Álava. Spatineo could show solutions for quality assurance of spatial services and discuss with some major players in the region. Over 50 new spatial web services were found in our directory during the event, which is a clear sign that despite the almost 100 thousand spatial web services we are already monitoring in our database, every day new spatial services are published and catalogued.”

JIIDE2018 Spatineo Conference
Picture from www.jiide.org

This year’s JIIDE was hosted in a very special place, an island called Lazareto, part of Menorca island. The place has an incredibly interesting historical background as it was used as a hospital for those suspecting having any contagious diseases coming from long boat trips. Menorca organisers deserve all the credit for such peculiar site choice and the successful event. I am already looking forward to see where the next JIIDE will be, and I strongly recommend you in Portugal or Spain not to miss it!

Our main take away from it? Having had some high level discussions with major coordinating organisations both at country-level and regional levels, we understand that they all face very similar challenges, which makes events like JIIDE, where the cooperation among organisations is promoted and encouraged, even more important to the affected societies and its citizens.”

 Fabio Bittencourt is Spatineo’s Area Sales Manager – Register now to his “Importance of Assuring the Robustness of Services in Your Spatial Data Infrastructure” webinar also!

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