• Net turnover increased by 66 % to EUR 813,061 (1-12/2018: EUR 488,340) as Spatineo’s has successfully deployed the new strategy to grow consultancy services.
  • Profit for the financial year was positive at EUR 54,702 (EUR -83,011).
  • Major Spatineo Monitor customers signed in Finland, Portugal and Spain.
  • Consultancy revenue doubled from 2018.

Key Figures

1-12/2019 1-12/2018
Net turnover, EUR 1,000  813 488
Operating profit, EUR 1,000 55 -81
    % net turnover 6.7  
Profit for the financial year, EUR 1,000 55 -83
  % net turnover 6.7   

Sampo Savolainen, Managing Director

Our SaaS revenue developed favourably and we won several new clients from different European countries. Our strategy to develop consultancy services is working and the revenue from these services doubled compared to 2018. The deployment of this strategy has been successful thanks to our highly skilled team and partner network. In addition to customer projects, we have also contributed to the GIS ecosystem by participating in ISO and Open Geospatial Consortium standards development and participating in and helping organise events such as INSPIRE Helsinki 2019. Our revenue for 2020 is expected to remain stable despite the corona pandemic. We will move to a new office in Helsinki and continue on our successful path.


For additional information, please contact:

Sampo Savolainen, Managing Director, tel. +358 (0)40 755 5649,