AFIGÉO is the French Association for Geospatial Information that promotes the use of geospatial data in both public and private sectors with the aim of bringing the data easily accessible for everyone. Spatineo decided to join the association (Pool “Industries – Companies”) in March 2016 in order to strengthen its foothold in the French GIS field.

AFIGÉO serves as a channel to connect a variety of players active in the French GIS field, including public organisations, privates companies as well as private people. This powerful network helps Spatineo to reach relevant French partners and potential customers. On the other hand, the membership makes it easier for French organisations to find and meet us. Furthermore, Spatineo is active in two AFIGÉO working groups, “OGC & Open Data” and “International”, which offers us a great opportunity to be involved in the development of the French Spatial Data Infrastructure.
