The financial statement from last year looks positive: revenue was EUR 467,919, indicating 120% growth in comparison with the previous year, and 10% more than budgeted. Spatineo achieved EUR 43,018 profit while the profit margin was 9.2%. The total in the balance sheet was EUR 150,942, indicating 20% growth in comparison with the previous year. Spatineo can further grow its business operations as a result of the positive profit and growth, and take over new client areas.

Spatineo achieved the targets set in advance for 2013: the Spatineo Performance product was developed as planned, and in addition we obtained our first international clients, Agiv in Belgium and ICGC in Spain.

The sales target for 2014 has been set on the same level as in 2013. The objective is to increase income from product business and, respectively, reduce consulting business. The main objective this year is to bring to the market a new product on organizational maturity model for utilization of spatial information and significantly increase the number of clients for both Spatineo Monitor and Spatineo Performance. The aim is to reach a stronger foothold on the international market in particular, and for this purpose Spatineo is hiring a new employee in the Berlin office, to be responsible for sales in Europe.