After being abled to test the solution during the free trial period, the Environment, Nature and Energy Department in Flanders (LNE) was convinced of the added value of using Spatineo Monitor to further assure and improve the quality of its spatial web services. LNE decided to enter into a contract for four years in April 2015.


LNE is responsible for the coordination and IT support for DOV and MercatorNet, two cooperations active in Flanders. Via those cooperations, different entities in Flanders are working together to build main spatial data nodes in the SDI in Flanders: for geological, geotechnical, hydrogeological and pedological data via DOV and for data of eg. nature, heritage, spatial planning, land use, environment and public works via MercatorNet. In both nodes, data is published fully automatically using an internal developed ETLP-tool called Mercurius (for DOV) or Ariadne (for MercatorNet). This makes it possible for the partners set up a dataflow that starts from their own working environment to the several running Geoserver instances on the servers of LNE.

Within such important cooperations and because of the distributed set-up, it is essential for LNE to have a good insight in the performance and usage of the running services. According to Marleen Van Damme, the coordinator of DOV and MercatorNet, it was soon very clear for them that being able to follow the services with Spatineo Monitor is very useful – most of all because Spatineo Monitor is independent of their own infrastructure and acts therefore as an objective tool to continuously evaluate their performance from different angles including INSPIRE. “The possibility to activate a meter for any layer of special interest in the services and setting error and warning thresholds which allow you to receive messages even before a severe situation occurs has paid off from the beginning”, continues Van Damme. According to her, LNE is looking forward to further enjoy these useful tools during the coming years.