The City of Helsinki, the capital of Finland, started to use Spatineo Monitor for the quality assurance of their spatial web services in June 2015. Their aim is to develop the utilisation of spatial data in the operations and services of the city. In addition, they want to support the business and innovation activities by bringing the City’s open data to common use via a centralised distribution service.

The maturity assessment in the utilisation of spatial data was executed in the city in November 2014 by using the Spatineo Roadmap product. Based on the results of the assessment the internal spatial data infrastructure of the city has developed to the level that enables a significant increase in the use of spatial data in all branches of administration and better accessibility on the data for external users. The aim of the city is an easy access to the spatial data as a self-service as well as a wide user base that covers decision makers, employees, citizens and companies.

However, the extensive utilisation of spatial web services requires high availability and quality of services at all times. With Spatineo Monitor, the city can track and analyse the availability and the progress of the usage of their services. The continuous monitoring helps them to react immediately to the possible deviations in the service whereas the detailed usage analytics makes it possible to focus the development resources on most used datasets. In addition, automating routine reporting tasks, such as creating the annual INSPIRE report, results in significant time savings.
