The City of Joensuu, a mid-sized city in eastern Finland, keeps track of the service level and usage of their spatial web services with Spatineo Monitor. The Department of City Structure opened INSPIRE compliant WMS and WFS services for the internal use of the city as well as to the external users. In 2015, the usage amount of these services was 600 000 requests. This wide use makes it essential to analyse the usage and assure the quality of their spatial web services in order to maintain good service usability.

According to Ismo Piirainen, a GIS engineer at the City of Joensuu, Spatineo Monitor makes analysing the usage of their spatial web services easy. Usage analytics is especially important in the cases that involve uncertainty in the service functionality. Spatineo Monitor usage analytics shows the service requests categorized into segments. Based on that, the organisation or the server behind a service request can be easily identified. By examining the response times of these service requests, it’s possible to identify whether the error is on the service provider or client side.

In the future, the City of Joensuu will also utilise the reporting features of Spatineo Monitor for creating both internal reports and statutory INSPIRE reports. Significant work time savings can be achieved by automating the creation of the reports on service level and usage.
