The Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) is using Spatineo Roadmap to assess its state of maturity in the utilisation of spatial data. Spatineo Roadmap is a concrete web-based tool for assessing organisation’s current state of maturity and for setting a roadmap for organisational improvement. The maturity assessment was executed by a web-based questionnaire directed to the employees of SYKE.

With the maturity assessment, The Finnish Environment Institute can recognise its strengths and weaknesses in the utilisation of spatial data and focus its development resources on areas that involve the highest impact with the lowest time or cost. The indicators measure the maturity of the internal spatial data infrastructure of the organisation, the use of spatial data in processes and services, organisation’s capabilities and organisation’s contribution to the development of the national spatial data infrastructure. The objective of SYKE is that spatial data and GIS software are used more extensively in the environmental administration. The results of the maturity assessment are utilised in the strategy work of the Data and Information Centre of The Finnish Environment Institute and in the development for better service level.

“The maturity assessment highlights the areas that should be invested in. On the other hand, it also reveals the areas where we have already achieved the sufficient service level.”, tells Riitta Teiniranta, the Group Manager at SYKE. Spatineo’s Managing Director Kristian Jaakkola continues: “Spatineo Roadmap is a natural addition to our quality assurance services, and we are happy with this first execution. Based on these experiences we will continue to develop the product further.” Spatineo Roadmap is based on the doctoral thesis which has been developed at Aalto University in the years 2010-2013 in cooperation with the Finnish National Inspire Network.

You can also download the presentation “The Assessment of Organisation’s GIS Maturity Gives a Push to the Use of Spatial Data” by Kaisu Harju, Riitta Teiniranta & Jaana Mäkelä here.