Riitta Vaniala Senior Consultant

1.) Name, title, what you will be doing at Spatineo?

Hi there! I am Riitta Vaniala working in Spatineo as a senior consultant, started in December 2018.

2.) What do you do at Spatineo in practice? Tell us about your typical work day!

So far my days have been full of learning new interesting things, e.g. customer projects and concepts Spatineo has evolved. Every day starts with a cup of good coffee and a short chat with colleagues though – important factors for a successful day.

My first projects will be related to Spatineo Impact -concept where our customers’ success is measured and enhanced in a systematic method. My role will be close to customers: in workshops, together, we identify and collect material needed for the measurement. The impacts of data from different data sources are assessed in Spatineo and the results are visualised in dashboards automatically. Important parts of the report are observations and recommendations by which the organization can improve its success.

I am also inspired by facilitation and its powerful methods to elaborate appropriate plans, common understanding and common decisions. I wish I had possibilities to utilize my experiences and competence in facilitation.

3.) What is the best thing about your work?

The very best prize in my work is when the customer says he/she is satisfied and happy during and after the common project. Often this is reached by working side by side and solving the problems together. I also like to mix the competence I already have with new things I can learn from customers, colleagues, problem solvings and literature.

4.) If you are a tourist in a foreign city, which map service do you use? Why?

In foreign cities I mainly use Google Maps (in phone, offline) together with GPS. That combination gives me the freedom to just walk or bike around and head towards interesting places arised along the way – and I do not have to worry about getting lost.

When driving abroad with the car I count on the co-driver; he reads paper maps. The car navigator is often, or at least sometimes, a useful feature.