Sanna Hautala Spatineo GIS Junior Consultant

1.) Name, title, how long have you worked at Spatineo?

My name is Sanna Hautala and I just started working at Spatineo as a Junior GIS Consultant. My background is more in the field of chemistry (Master of Science at Helsinki University) but the last few years I have solely been working with GIS related services and applications.

2.) What do you do at Spatineo in practice? Tell us about your typical work day!

I haven’t been here that long to have a typical work day yet but I know versatile is a word to describe it. It is a mixture of scripting (bash/python/js), databases,  GIS application interfaces and standards spiced with learning. Shortly described my typical day consists of anything related to GIS including customer consulting.

3.) What is the best thing about your work?

Solving problems, learning new things and the “light bulb” -moments thrives me forward at my work. The feeling of satisfaction when you finally figure out how to solve a problem is priceless. Working environment here at Spatineo inspires me to learn more about the whole industry.

4.) If you are a tourist in a foreign city, which map service do you use? Why?

My main map service is Google maps and especially the geocoding and routing functions of it but I have learned not to trust it completely. It is always a good idea to check the destination and route beforehand just to make sure that it is correct, with pseudonyms “Make U-turn” and “This road cannot get any worse”.