SpatineoLife Who are we Gerald Junnu Lee Spatineo

Who are we? – Gerald “Junnu” Lee

1.) Name, title and when did you start working at Spatineo?

My name is Gerald “Junnu” Lee and I work as a software consultant at Spatineo. I started working at Spatineo in January 2022.

2.) What do you do at Spatineo in practice? Tell us what kind of cases, projects and work you will be doing in the future!

As a software consultant, I code in-house projects and projects for clients. So far I have been involved in a few full-stack projects, but the main focus has been on front-end development. I can’t say yet what kind of projects the future will bring.

3.) What is the best thing about your work?

The best thing about my work is the daily programming challenges and finding solutions to them, as well as the feeling of success and development. Also the fact that my colleagues have many years of experience in programming, which has forced me to move forward in my own career at a fast pace.

4.) And the best thing about Spatineo?

Nice and experienced colleagues. At this early stage of my career, I couldn’t have asked for better colleagues. Every colleague has been willing to help when asked and the knowledge/skills are second to none.

5.) What technologies (geospatial or not) fascinate you the most? What technologies should be utilized more in the future?

React and javascript are my favourites at the moment, but python is slowly and surely coming alongside these at least. AWS cloud services have also been meaningful to work with.