SpatineoLife Who are we Stanley Festus Spatineo

Who are we? – Stanley Festus

1.) Name, title and when did you start working at Spatineo?

My name Stanley Anyanwu Festus and I started working at Spatineo in December 2021. I am a software consultant at Spatineo and specialized in JavaScript.

2.) What do you do at Spatineo in practice? Tell us what kind of cases, projects and work you will be doing in the future!

I don’t know what I will do in future since no one can tell what other interesting technologies are springing up.

Presently, I specialize in data visualization technologies (libraries) in short. Consuming data API’s and presenting them to users in the form of graphs. The main technologies we use at the moment are Dygraph ( and D3 (

3.) What is the best thing about your work?

Graphically representing data with charts and graphs is very important today. Almost every organization makes important decisions using data and being able to visualize the data makes it easier to understand.

I love that I am part of a team that makes this possible for our customers.

4.) And the best thing about Spatineo?

Being in a working environment where it seems like every worker has been hand-picked. What more can one ask for?

Spatineo should be used as an example of a perfect working environment. 

5.) What technologies (geospatial or not) fascinate you the most? What technologies should be utilized more in the future?

I have always been fascinated by JavaScript and I think Javascript is going nowhere. It is the language of the web and I believe it would still be.